Saturday, February 8, 2014

Ring Vows


With this ring,
I give you my promise to honor you,
To be faithful to you,
And to share my love and my life with you
In all ways, always.


___________, I give you this ring
As a symbol of my love for you,
And of my promise to honor you,
Comfort you,
And be faithful to you and to our marriage
Through God’s grace, (Alternatively: Line may be omitted)
For as long as we both shall live.


As a sign of my love
And my knowledge that in marrying you,
I am becoming much more than I am,
I give you this ring
With the promise that I will love you
And keep my heart open to you
All the days of my life.


___________, with this ring
I am giving you my promise
To always love you, cherish you,
Honor you, and comfort you,
I will always be grateful to God
For your presence in my life.
(Alternatively: I will always be grateful for your presence in my life)


This ring is my gift to you,
May it always remind you
That from this day forward,
You will be surrounded by my love.


I give you this ring
As a sign that I choose you
To be my lover, my partner,
And my best friend
Today, tomorrow, and always.


___________, I give you this ring
As a symbol of my vow.
My it encircle your finger always
As my love will your heart.


___________, this ring is a symbol
Of the strength and beauty of our love.
May it belong to your hand
As my heart belongs to you,
Separate yet close,
Simple yet miraculous.


I give this ring
As a symbol of my promise
To always love you, cherish you, honor you, and respect you.

Pueblo Blessing

I add my breath to your breath
That our days may be long on the Earth,
That the days of our people may be long,
That we shall be as one person,
That we may finish our road together.

Lutheran-Inspired Vows

I, (name), take you, (name), to be my (husband/wife), and these things I promise you: I will be faithful to you and honest with you; I will respect, be truthful, help, and care for you; I will share my life with you; I will forgive you as we have been forgiven; and I will try with you to better understand ourselves, the world, and God; through the best and worst of what is to come as long as we love.

Photo Courtesy of Brendan Moffitt; Couple took vows as loved ones wanted on from Italy & Australia.

Ring Vow by Rev. Jack Stiles

_______ and _______, you have brought rings to exchange.
These rings are gifts to each other to remind you always,
And those they gaze upon their beauty,
That you have pledged your love and commitment
In marriage to each other.
And when you have been together for a long, long time,
You will look at these rings,
And you will feel the indentation they have made on your fingers,
And you will know that these rings contain all the memories
Of what your lives and your relationship have been.
May the always serve to remind you of how great your love is for one another.

Photo Courtesy of Florist Richard Salmone

Rev. Jack Skiles

_______ and _______, you have brought rings to exchange.
These rings are gifts to each other to remind you always,
And those they gaze upon their beauty,
That you have pledged your love and commitment
In marriage to each other.
And when you have been together for a long, long time,
You will look at these rings,
And you will feel the indentation they have made on your fingers,
And you will know that these rings contain all the memories
Of what your lives and your relationship have been.
May the always serve to remind you of how great your love is for one another.

Photo Courtesy of Nas Karas Studios

Presbyterian-Inspired Vows

I, (name), take thee, (name), to be my wedded wife/husband, and I do promise and covenant, before God and these witnesses, to be thy loving and faithful wife/husband, in plenty and in want, in joy and in sorrow, in sickness and in health, as long as we both shall live.

This ring I give you, in token and pledge of our constant faith and abiding love.

Photo Courtesy of Sugar Beet Photos

Rabbi Rami Shapiro

I choose you this day
To love and confide in,
To hold on to and reach out from.
I choose you this day
To believe in and to share with,
To learn from and grow with.
I choose you this day
To give you my heart.

--Rabbi Rami Shapiro

Photo courtesy of Sean Gallery